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Solutions Provider

APC Consultancy INC To flourish in our associated, information driven world, you really want a band together with the experience and mastery to assist you with understanding the worth of information, all over.

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With Our APC, Businesses receive a premium cloud service offering with feature-packed, individually tailored solutions to align with their business needs


Let Our APC connect your business to the rest of the word with superior business grade data solutions and internet bandwidth

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Outdated technology slowing team’s productivity?

IT Support

Our APC's IT Services include a broad selection in advanced technology to support your IT infrastructure. You decide on the IT components and the level of autonomy you need to align with your business objectives.



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Choose not to choose with APC edge-to-cloud platform, the cloud that comes to you.

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The cloud that comes to you

Transform your business with one experience

Our customers are using data insights to turn vision into reality. In every industry, APC is the edge-to-cloud, everything-as-a-service company delivering the solutions that propel change.

To us, nothing says “industry leader” quite like being named an actual Leader in the 2021 Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Primary Storage. For the third year in a row, we’re thrilled to be recognized for our completeness of vision and ability to execute.
Our live event has ended, but you can still watch great content on demand: inspiring keynotes, rock star panels, actionable demos, and more.

Cloud Back Up

Cloud is the top performer in “The Cloud” as it maximises speed, security and customisation on a per customer basis by delivering your Server (or servers), resources.

Public Cloud

Public Cloud is the preferred option when your organisation requires standard and simple access to your Server (or servers), resources or cloud solution at a more cost sensitive scenario.

Cloud Connect Replication

Veeam Cloud Connect Replication is an image-based recovery replication solution built for you to have your servers up in minutes at another location.

Private Cloud

Private Cloud is the top performer in “The Cloud” as it maximises speed, security and customisation on a per customer basis by delivering your Server (or servers), resources.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service solution

Private Cloud or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), is a fully-outsourced and customised computing infrastructure

How to Choose your Xsaap Plan?

You might say SaaS kicked off the push toward cloud computing by demonstrating that IT services could be made available over the Web. While SaaS vendors originally did not use the word Cloud to describe their offerings, analysts now consider SaaS to be one of several subsets of the cloud computing market.
Public cloud services are breaking down into three broad categories: software-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-service, and platform-as-a-service. SaaS is well known and consists of software applications delivered over the Web. Infrastructure-as-a-service refers to remotely accessible server and storage capacity, while platform-as-a-service is a compute-and-software platform that lets developers build and deploy Web applications on a hosted infrastructure.
Companies that choose to shift to the Cloud do so for several reasons. The benefits of flexibility, scalability, cost savings, etc. are weighed against availability concerns. It is essential to evaluate if Cloud is right for you from a strategic and operational perspective. Does your demand for IT vary throughout the year? Are the costs of your IT impacting your ability to grow as a business? If so, you may consider a cloud option that can be easily scaled.

Are you ready to start?

Accelerate your digital transformation and gain the ability from edge to cloud with strategic help, operational support, and training you need.

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